Installation guide for R Geospatial packages

Useful training courses for starting out with GIS in R:

Introduction to R:

Introduction to R on the Learning Hub

This course is quite long (about 20 hours) but brings you up to a level needed to do further training in GIS in R.

The Introduction to R course is downloaded to your computer and the course files are found in the Course_content directory. More thorough installation guidance is found in the Pre_Course_Information folder which you can refer to if you are having trouble with the instructions in this guide.

Location of Pre_Course_Information directory in Introduction to R

Introduction to GIS in R:

Introduction to GIS in R

This course builds on what you learn in the Introduction to R and introduces the sf and tmap packages.

Suggested R packages to install:

This is a list of packages that are important for GIS and a link to their documentation.



Tidyverse including: